Reduce Anxiety with Essential Oils

Health Tips, Uncategorized
Anxiety. It's difficult for a day to go by without hearing or reading about this modern day epidemic that seems to affect us all in one way or another. Anxiety is defined as "a feeling of apprehension and fear, characterized by physical symptoms such as palpitations, sweating, and feelings of stress." It can also manifest as a sinking feeling, [...]
September 14, 2020 Read more

How to Practice Mindfulness

Health Tips
Mindfulness is the wellness buzzword on everyone’s lips, yet this ancient practice is so much more than just a fad. Mindfulness is all about present moment awareness and is essentially the foundation for most Eastern philosophy and practices. Yoga, meditation, zen, taoism, tai chi and many other practices all use mindfulness as the foundation to [...]
September 9, 2020 Read more

Raise your Frequency with Essential Oils

Health Tips, Uncategorized
If you've spent any time in the wellness and spiritual space, you will have heard people refer to increasing your frequency. Raising your vibration, changing your energetics and shifting your frequency are all referring to the same thing. That is the universal law that is everything is energy. All living and non living things are [...]
August 23, 2020 Read more

Muscle Soreness and Spasm Relief

Health Tips, Uncategorized
Nothing disrupts a healthy workout routine like muscle cramps and soreness. Whether you are new to working out or a seasoned athlete, muscle soreness and cramps will stop you in your tracks and stall your progress in an instant. By understanding what causes cramps and muscle soreness, you may be able to avoid the intensity [...]
July 30, 2020 Read more

Balancing Kapha with Essential Oils

Health Tips, Uncategorized
If you find yourself feeling lethargic, sleepy, heavy or even slightly depressed, this may been your Kapha dosha is out of balance. Kapha is one of the three energy types, or doshas, in Ayurveda. Each of us possesses all three doshas in varying quantities, yet one or two types are dominant. When our doshas are [...]
July 17, 2020 Read more

Make your own Fragrant Body Mist

Health Tips
Your scent can really set the tone for your day. A few spritzes of your favourite perfume can instantly transform your mood. With the days getting warmer, traditional perfume can feel a little heavy and overpowering. Especially during the day. Making your own refreshing body mist using essential oils is an easy way to smell [...]
July 2, 2020 Read more

Balance Pitta with Essential Oils

Health Tips, Uncategorized
If you notice yourself to be irritable, short tempered and agitated, or perhaps unusually hot and bothered with inflamed skin, rashes and heartburn, it may mean your Pitta is out of balance. Pitta is one of the three energy types, or doshas, according to Ayurveda. Each of us possesses all three doshas in varying quantities, [...]
June 26, 2020 Read more

5 Diffuser Blends to Boost Energy Naturally

Health Tips
It's 3pm. You've been up since just before sunrise and since then its been go go go. First it's the kids, then the traffic, then the emails, then one deadline after next. And you've finally reached the point where the bio-computer that is your body starts to say no. But before you reach for that [...]
June 23, 2020 Read more

Balance Vata with Essential Oils

Health Tips, Uncategorized
If you're feeling unusually anxious, fatigued, forgetful, unable to sleep or  just generally spaced-out, it might mean your Vata is out of balance. Vata is one of the three energy types, or doshas, according to Ayurveda. Each of us possesses all three doshas in varying quantities, yet one or two types are dominant. When our [...]
June 19, 2020 Read more