Reduce Anxiety with Essential Oils

Health Tips, Uncategorized
Anxiety. It's difficult for a day to go by without hearing or reading about this modern day epidemic that seems to affect us all in one way or another. Anxiety is defined as "a feeling of apprehension and fear, characterized by physical symptoms such as palpitations, sweating, and feelings of stress." It can also manifest as a sinking feeling, [...]
September 14, 2020 Read more

Raise your Frequency with Essential Oils

Health Tips, Uncategorized
If you've spent any time in the wellness and spiritual space, you will have heard people refer to increasing your frequency. Raising your vibration, changing your energetics and shifting your frequency are all referring to the same thing. That is the universal law that is everything is energy. All living and non living things are [...]
August 23, 2020 Read more

Make your own Fragrant Body Mist

Health Tips
Your scent can really set the tone for your day. A few spritzes of your favourite perfume can instantly transform your mood. With the days getting warmer, traditional perfume can feel a little heavy and overpowering. Especially during the day. Making your own refreshing body mist using essential oils is an easy way to smell [...]
July 2, 2020 Read more

5 Diffuser Blends to Boost Energy Naturally

Health Tips
It's 3pm. You've been up since just before sunrise and since then its been go go go. First it's the kids, then the traffic, then the emails, then one deadline after next. And you've finally reached the point where the bio-computer that is your body starts to say no. But before you reach for that [...]
June 23, 2020 Read more

The Ancient Power of Aromatherapy

Health Tips, Uncategorized
Of all five senses, our sense of smell is the one that is most closely linked to our emotions and sense of wellbeing. The smell of freshly baked bread, our mother's home cooking or the aroma of freshly ground coffee can almost instantly trigger a feeling of wellbeing within us. This is not merely an [...]
June 9, 2020 Read more

How to Use Essential Oils for Meditation

Health Tips
Meditation is a gift we can give ourselves every day. Simply carving out even 5 minutes to become still and go within will have profound benefits for our health and wellbeing. Adding essential oils in your mediation practice is a way to powerfully enhance the experience of mediating, as well as to build a ritual [...]
May 26, 2020 Read more

Top 3 Essential Oils for Cleaning your Home

Health Tips
Global health trends are moving towards a greener way of living, with more and more consumers choosing natural over processed when it comes to what we put into and on to our bodies. However, with a "germ-a-phobia" mindset currently higher than ever, many people still don't think twice about what toxic chemicals their cleaning products [...]
May 19, 2020 Read more

5 Natural Ways to Treat Seborrheic Dermatitis

Health Tips
Seborrheic Dermatitis is a chronic skin condition affecting adults and children of all ages, yet the cause is unknown. This often embarrassing condition is as common as acne, yet unfortunately there is no known cure. Considered a chronic form of eczema, seborrheic dermatitis appears on the parts of the body where there are a lot [...]
May 11, 2020 Read more