4 Easy DIY Essential Oil Recipes for Anxiety Relief!

Beauty Products, Health Tips, Natural Cosmetics, Organic Foods

Ease Anxiety with Aromatherapy Essential oils are powerful tools for anxiety relief, in this blog we have shared 4 easy essential oil recipes for anxiety relief. These recipes are very easy and anyone can make them and release their anxiety or stress. Existing pharmaceutical protocols for anxiety have its downfalls due to dependence and withdrawal […]

January 24, 2021 Read more

Reduce Anxiety with Essential Oils

Health Tips, Uncategorized
Anxiety. It's difficult for a day to go by without hearing or reading about this modern day epidemic that seems to affect us all in one way or another. Anxiety is defined as "a feeling of apprehension and fear, characterized by physical symptoms such as palpitations, sweating, and feelings of stress." It can also manifest as a sinking feeling, [...]
September 14, 2020 Read more

5 Essential Oils for Stress Relief

Health Tips, Uncategorized
Our sense of smell is powerfully linked to our emotions and sense of well being. Simply smelling the intoxicating aroma of essential oils can enhance our mood and relieve stress in an instant. Specific flowers, herbs and spices have been identified for their stress reducing properties for centuries. There is a reason why aromatherapy has [...]
May 5, 2020 Read more