Organic Cypress Essential Oil, 10ml

£7.99 [incl. VAT]


Country of Origin: Italy
Botanical Name: Cupressus Sempervirens
Extraction Method: Steam distillation
Parts of Plant used: Leaves

100% Pure Therapeutic Grade

39 in stock


Once used to make Flamenco guitars, the essential oil-rich wood is naturally resistant to insects, chemical corrosion and other damaging elements and, when combined with branches and burned, releases the balsamic fumes believed to purify the respiratory system. These tall, slender trees epitomize upward motion and centred energy and not surprisingly cypress leaf oil is often included in pre-workout blends to facilitate movement and for focus and intention in yoga practice. The essential oil derived from the plants’ leaves. It is known to have many benefits, one of them being its ability to soothe skin irritation.

General Information 

Organic Cypress is an exceptionally vibrant essential oil. It has a fresh, woody, resinous, balsamic aroma with a faint smoky undertone. The oil is highly valued in medicine. In ancient civilizations it was used as incense.

In Tibet it is even currently used as incense. Cypress trees live long and do not decay easily. This was the reason why Greeks historically used Cypress wood to make statues of immortal gods and goddesses.


Technical information

Country of Origin: Italy
Botanical Name: Cupressus Sempervirens
Extraction Method: Steam distillation
Parts of Plant used: Leaves
Colour: Colourless to pale yellow
Odour: Fresh, Resinous, and Woody
Main Components: A-pinene, d-3-carene, terpinolene
Bottled in the UK

Best oils to Blend

Cypress essential oil blends excellently with Cedarwood, Lavender, Rose, Lemon, Bergamot, and Orange essential oils.



Wound Healing: The antibacterial properties of cypress oil make it an excellent treatment for many skin conditions. Because cypress essential oil is antimicrobial and antibacterial, it can help clean and heal cuts and wounds. Remember to dilute the oil in a carrier oil before applying it to a wound.

Natural Deodorant: Cypress essential oil has a pleasant aroma and is thus, often added to natural deodorant in order to reduce unpleasant body odour. Before using any new deodorant on the sensitive skin under your arms, do a patch test on your inner forearm.

Glowing Skin: Oily skin is a common problem for many people. If you are looking for a way to reduce the shiny glow of oily skin, add Cypress oil to your daily routine. To rid your skin of the oily look, add one to two drops of Cypress oil to your toner to help improve the appearance of oily skin. This addition of Cypress oil will give your skin a healthy-looking, radiant glow.

Massage: If you experience muscle soreness, essential oils may help you find some relief. Massage therapy can be an effective way to relieve pain, especially of the back and neck. Cypress oil is one of the many essential oils used to relieve muscle pain.


Skincare: Add 4-5 drops of cypress oil to your favourable carrier oil such as lavender oil or coconut oil, and apply it on your skin.

Bath: Add 7-9 drops of the diluted mixture to your bath water and enjoy a relaxing bath.

Diffuser: A couple of drops in a diffuser and you are set for a pleasant forest vibe in your room.



IFRA Statement

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Certification of approval & GC Analysis

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Material Data Safety Sheet (MSDS)

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Declaration of Allergens

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Licence no: CS28221

This product is Soil Association certified* and free from any harsh chemicals, additives and preservatives that are destructive to our beautiful planet & us. It has been manufactured under the strict Soil Association standards (Genuine organic product with quality, integrity and transparency).

* “Soil Association Organic Certificate enforces the strict European laws about the production of organic food, animal welfare, protecting human health, and safeguarding the environment. No system of farming has higher levels of animal welfare than farms working to Soil Association organic standards.”


We feel the responsibility to care for our planet & our farmers. We only buy from small organic farms with highest ethical & environmental values. We’re on a mission to put nature at the forefront. As a society we’ve parted ways from naturalism following the industrial age, but we hope to change that. As close to nature as possible, our formulas prove the healing and beautifying powers of planet earth.

Through the utilisation of sustainable business practices, we strive to establish a deeper connection to the natural world. When you buy from us you can rest assured that the product you have purchased is: 100% pure and Organic, Vegan, Cruelty Free, GMO Free using Ethical Sourcing Practices.


Safety Precautions

  • For external use only.
  • Always dilute before use. Consult a professional for proper dilution ratio.
  • Consult with your Doctor, or other qualified health care professional before using any of the recipes.
  • Skin sensitization when oxidized. It is recommended to dilute the oil before use. A patch test should be done for those with sensitive skin.
  • As with all essential oils, it is strongly recommended to not use any essential oils during pregnancy or on infants.


The information provided is general and should not be taken as medical advice. Neither Ecodrop essential oils nor associated business entities guarantee the accuracy of the information. Please consult your doctor, especially if being used during pregnancy, before using this product. You are also encouraged to test the product to ensure that it meets your needs, before using for mass production.

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