Balance Pitta with Essential Oils

Health Tips, Uncategorized
If you notice yourself to be irritable, short tempered and agitated, or perhaps unusually hot and bothered with inflamed skin, rashes and heartburn, it may mean your Pitta is out of balance. Pitta is one of the three energy types, or doshas, according to Ayurveda. Each of us possesses all three doshas in varying quantities, [...]
June 26, 2020 Read more

Balance Vata with Essential Oils

Health Tips, Uncategorized
If you're feeling unusually anxious, fatigued, forgetful, unable to sleep or  just generally spaced-out, it might mean your Vata is out of balance. Vata is one of the three energy types, or doshas, according to Ayurveda. Each of us possesses all three doshas in varying quantities, yet one or two types are dominant. When our [...]
June 19, 2020 Read more

The Ancient Power of Aromatherapy

Health Tips, Uncategorized
Of all five senses, our sense of smell is the one that is most closely linked to our emotions and sense of wellbeing. The smell of freshly baked bread, our mother's home cooking or the aroma of freshly ground coffee can almost instantly trigger a feeling of wellbeing within us. This is not merely an [...]
June 9, 2020 Read more

DIY Double Espresso Body Scrub

Coffee is the world's second favourite beverage, with tea being the first. Most coffee drinkers wouldn't go a day without their morning pick me up, with the love for coffee a world wide obsession. And with good reason! The benefits of coffee, when enjoyed in moderation, are many. These include increased cognitive function, boosting your [...]
May 23, 2020 Read more

5 Essential Oils for Stress Relief

Health Tips, Uncategorized
Our sense of smell is powerfully linked to our emotions and sense of well being. Simply smelling the intoxicating aroma of essential oils can enhance our mood and relieve stress in an instant. Specific flowers, herbs and spices have been identified for their stress reducing properties for centuries. There is a reason why aromatherapy has [...]
May 5, 2020 Read more